Friday, February 17, 2012

I Am Link

--- Get Roman - Some attractive young chap named Jamie Blackley - he kind of looks like James Franco? - has been cast in what they're calling the sort-of-lead-role in the sequel to 300. Mkay. I suppose he looks good in a leather diaper then? He seems kind of scrawny, and if that tattoo is real they will have some extensive CG work to do on him. Hmm. Not that they don't basically turn the men in the 300 movies into cartoons, I suppose.

Also at that link they say that Rodrigo Santoro's been confirmed for the film to reprise playing the giant golden weirdo Xerxes, which I can't remember having heard was happening before. I did love the sight of him in his big spangled underpants.

--- Spider Bum - There's a gallery of Amazing Spider-Man pictures over here and it has several shots of Andrew Garfield in the costume - assuming it's him in most of them since he's got the mask on - that I hadn't seen before which is, of course, always something worth looking at. Especially one of the least touched-up clearest HQ versions of the infamous bum shot that I have seen, seen there to the right. Click it to grow, and grow, and grow. I will never ever get tired of that.

--- Z Man - Teeny tiny human being Gael Garcia Bernal is going to don the littlest black cape and mask you ever did see to fight thimble-sized villains as the lead in a new version of Zorro. they're calling it "a futuristic reboot," so I guess they'll be robots he's fighting, or whatever. Teeny tiny robots. Coffee-makers, perhaps.

--- Red Ruffalo - I clicked on this link because it was about Gregg Araki's next movie (it's going to be "a twisted police-thriller" of all things, called The Womb; even though I enjoyed Kaboom, his return to his old sophomoric stomping grounds, it'll be good for Gregg to shake things up, I think) but the link also gave news on another movie that sounds interesting - something called Red Light Winter, which will star Mark Ruffalo and Billy Crudup as best friends (you have me already, movie) and Kirtsen Dunst as the prostitute between them. Hot!

--- Fassycentric - The screenwriter for the second X-Men Muppet Babies movie spoke to MTV News and told them that this new movie will be "Magneto-centric," and does that really surprise anybody? That the world would want to focus in on Michael Fassbender? I thought not. Let's just hope they keep those snug trousers he wore that one time around for a reboot of their own.

--- And finally, I hear that Disney is bracing themselves for a big flop with John Carter? That would be a shame, we wouldn't mind staring at Taylor Kitsch in his tattered little costume for several more movies. (Although I hope they realize that if they'd had him totally naked like he is in the books they wouldn't have to worry, they'd be having a five hundred billion dollar opening weekend.) Plus the second book is where the story gets seriously anti-religion, and I want to see Disney try to squirm out of that! Anyway there's a big new gallery of pictures from the movie right here - lots Kitsch-nips on display - and AICN has a couple new clips, and this one where JC meets alien-pup Woola is pretty amazing. And not just because it involves a lot of Kitsch writhing around in his tattered little costume.

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