Monday, March 26, 2012

Hardy Goes Gay For Footballer


I can't decide if this is news that will make my boyfriend happy or not - he was always pissed off that Mickey Rourke was going to play the openly gay rubgy star Gareth Thomas, because of how, well, gross Mickey Rourke has become, and how not gross Gareth Thomas is. Well now comes word via Gareth himself that Rourke's dropped out because he's too old for all that training, and that Tom Hardy is in talks to play him. Tom Hardy is no stranger to get pumped up for a role, says the man who deals in understatements. But my boyfriend doesn't really like Tom Hardy either. But this has got to be better, right? I actually think Tom is brilliant casting and I really hope this works out. And not just because I want Tom to get good and gay again. Not just. I mean, there's probably like 5% or so where I care about his acting being good or whatever.

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