Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Foods to Help You Look Younger How To Stop Wrinkles With Nutrition

Many people want to know how to stop wrinkles. They spend a lot of money and time on exfoliating products and moisturizing products. While skin is exposed to the elements, it does regenerate quickly when given the proper nutrition. That is one reason many people in America have poor skin is that they are not feeding their bodies what they should in order to look younger. There are foods to help you look younger and stop the formation of wrinkles.

After I hit thirty, I had some health problems that doctors couldn't figure out. I started taking a hard look at environmental factors and began to detoxify my body. I switched over to whole foods and organic vegetables.

During the initial part of my detox, my skin looked horrible! I couldn't believe how old I looked when it was dried out and irritated. Once the toxins were out of my body, it looked better than ever. I was amazed. I now do not use any other product on my skin than all natural soap and water.

So what foods do I eat to look younger and stop wrinkles? I eat superfoods. Foods that are packed with nutrients. I snack on almonds for their protein and vitamin E. Vitamin E protects cell membranes from damage due to free radicals and environmental pollutants.

I eat organic eggs as another great source of protein for breakfast or a quick snack. Eggs are a superfood that helps your body function better. It is one of the foods to help you look younger.

In addition, I consume plenty of vegetables and fruits. One important one is cucumbers. Cucumbers are high in silica, which is a necessary mineral for healthy glowing skin. In addition to silica, cucumbers are about 90% water. Staying hydrated will hydrate your skin. It will plump out the wrinkles.

I also enjoy munching on apples to help stop wrinkles and look younger. Apples are a simple and easy snack. They contain plenty of pectin, which helps clear away the waste products in the body. They are a natural detoxifier. Apples are a nice, inexpensive superfood. You will benefit greatly from having an apple a day.

Lemons are another superfood that I use liberally. Lemons are great to add zest to many dishes. They also provide you with lots of vitamin C. Lemons are another natural internal detoxifier. Vitamin C is essential for healthy skin and gums.

Don't forget the fats! Avocados provide your body with the healthy fat that it needs. They are great at providing the moisture that you skin will need to look and feel its best.

Stop wrinkles today by adding some of these foods that will help your skin look younger into your diet. You will start to notice that not only does your skin look younger, but you will also feel better as well!

Cindy maintains a health website about alternatives to medicine and foods to look younger. She tries out herbal remedies and reports on their efficacy.

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