Friday, September 16, 2011

In Theaters Today: Drive

Now showing in wide release around the country and in theaters near you is Drive starring Ryan Gosling and Carey Mulligan. It got rave reviews from critics and audiences alike when it premiered at Cannes last May as well as when it screened at Comic-Con, and film festivals such as TIFF 2011. Go see it!

The official synopsis for Drive:
Driver is a Los Angeles wheelman for hire, stunt driving for movie productions by day and steering getaway vehiclesfor armed heists by night. Though a loner by nature, Driver can’t helpfalling in love with his beautiful neighbor Irene, a vulnerable youngmother dragged into a dangerous underworld by the return of herex-convict husband Standard. After a heist intended to pay offStandard’s protection money spins unpredictably out of control, Driverfinds himself driving defense for the girl he loves, tailgated by asyndicate of deadly serious criminals. But when he realizes that thegangsters are after more than the bag of cash in his trunk – thatthey’re coming straight for Irene and her son – Driver is forced toshift gears and go on offense.

Watch the Red Band trailer for Drive

(source: IGN)

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