Monday, September 26, 2011

Just For Fun: My Pride & Prejudice Manip Arts

I've been in a P&P fanart mood since I started playing around with photoshop/photobucket/picnik months ago. I'm not very good, but I tried, lol. I followed Lady Catherine's advice and practiced and well, it's been fun especially when I'm bored and I tend to get some ideas on which still images of Elizabeth & Darcy (Keira & Matthew) to use and manip. Some turned out ok and some turned out actually good that I ended up also doing a few Jane & Bingley (Rosamund Pike & Simon Woods) manips. I only intended to do Darcy & Lizzie manips, but I also love Jane & Bingley I thought I might as well...What do you all think? Hope you like them...

Anyway, here are some of the random P&P manip arts I've made recently...

Elizabeth & Darcy

Jane & Bingley

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