Thursday, August 11, 2011

P&P Cast filming Pride & Prejudice film this summer 7 years ago

I posted here a year ago about the Principal photography for Pride & Prejudice film started this month six years ago. I thought I'd post here about it (again) this year with more cast interviews, on set, and behind the scenes info and images as it's been 7 years this month since they filmed the movie and shot entirely on location in the beautiful English countryside. I've been very fortunate to have visited at least two of those wonderful filming locations in Derbyshire (see some of my Photos: Chatsworth House and Haddon Hall as Pride & Prejudice's Pemberley and Inn at Lambton (P&P/Derbyshire filming locations)) almost a year ago (September 2010) when I went on My first European trip.

Anyway, the 4-time Academy Award (as well as 2-time Golden Globe and 6-time BAFTA) nominated 2005 film, Pride & Prejudice starring Academy Award nominee Keira Knightley and Matthew Macfadyen began filming seven years ago last month (July 19th) and during this month (see P&P timeline below). The film was directed by Joe Wright and shot entirely on location in the UK, including Derbyshire, Wiltshire, Lincolnshire, and Kent. The P&P cast and crew spent their most fun and "happiest" summer (3 months!) filming the movie from July through October 2004.

In retrospect, for the nostalgia of this amazing film, here's another new compilation of various cast interviews (including director Joe Wright, which were not posted here last year. Mostly, a lot of them you've probably read/heard from the P&P DVD extras and P&P Diaries documentary) and what the cast said their experiences were like filming P&P movie and bonding with each other.

From P&P '05 Diaries (as well as from the P&P DVD's Bonus Exras: Conversations with the Cast and A Bennet Family Portrait featurettes) here are a compilation of what Joe Wright and some of his P&P cast said as they were discussing their favorite moments from the film's production (as well as a video, which you can watch here: P&P Diaries Special Moments via Focus Features) or below...

(source: Focus Features)

"It was lovely. What a joy of job. Three months skipping around the English countryside with loads of girls. It was heaven." (Joe Wright)

"Love Ros, Love Carey and Jena, and Talulah. And it's been lovely kinda having this very girly family. But then, you've got Brenda and Donald in the middle of it." (Keira Knightley)

"Glorious. Donald and Brenda and all of the girls. What a lovely family." (Matthew Macfadyen)
"Brenda, I love with an absolute passion. I think she's wonderful and Donald is very funny and always have a good stories to tell." (Talulah Riley)

"Really fun, 'cause I'm an only child, so I don't know what it's like to have that particular rivalry you have with a sister or that particular love or whatever and with this it feels like it has come alive." (Rosamund Pike)

"Donald's struggling with the great big pig. So, I've ushered in the pigs into the alley. It was heaven." (Brenda Blethyn)

"Well, I have to tell you. It was lovely to be here." (Donald Sutherland)

"You have no idea, you know, when you come into a picture what KeiraKnightley is going to be like. And it turns out she is as extraordinaryan actor as I've ever met in my life. Rosamund's indescribablehow ethereally beautiful she was. Talulah was...Oh, I just embracedher. Carey...They were like children, you know. And Jena was...she justbecame this silly child. They were wonderful. It was just a wonderfulfamily, you know. Headed and embraced and supported and catalyzed byBrenda Blethyn." (Donald Sutherland)
"I feel like I've been so welcome here. Like, It's just been so nice." (Jena Malone)

"So, I don't know. I don't think I could pick my favorite person to work with as they're all so amazing. And I know everyone always says that, but you do go, 'No, this is such a special group of people.'" (Keira Knightley)
"Obviously, we've got people like Judi Dench and Donald Sutherland and Brenda Blethyn, and you work with these guys, and you just go...'the experience,' and the way they handled themselves...and you know, that's amazing." (Keira Knightley)

"Normally, before I'm in the scene I'm in the corner and I'm kinda going..." (Simon Woods)
"And I love it when we're a family unit rather than...I mean, we've been sort of split up in various things...but when we are presented as the Bennets. And that scene when we go to Netherfield...And it's a Miss Bennet, a Miss Bennet, a Miss Bennet, and a Mrs. Bennet. And it's like we're all together." (Carey Mulligan)
"Carey and I have been really good friends, because, obviously we're both new to this. So, it's been good to have somebody that doesn't know what's going on as well." (Talulah Riley)

"The most incredible thing has been seeing people like Carey Mulligan and Talulah Riley and whose first job this is and how they've taken it like ducks to water, you know, and how excited they've been."
(Keira Knightley)

"We've become such friends, all of us, for real." (Brenda Blethyn)

"We were all very, very nice to each other at the beginning and suddenly, you know, we've started to sort of have real dynamics as well as sort of the character dynamics." (Rosamund Pike)

"Judi Dench, I adored watching. I was sitting there at that dinner table in Rosings and think, this is great." (Matthew Macfadyen)

"Some of the highlights are the things I wasn't even in and just standing and watching the others and seeing how beautiful it's looking." (Brenda Blethyn)
"I really enjoyed all the dancing stuff with Matthew. It was really odd. I thought I was going to completely hate it. And then you kind of accept that you're gonna be there all day and it's gonna be difficult and it's gonna be really, really lovely. So, I enjoyed that a lot." (Keira Knightley)

"I've just had a wonderful summer with this family. The little family of the Bennets and the bigger family of the whole crew." (Rosamund Pike)

"I've loved every minute of this film." (Brenda Blethyn)

Also, from HBO's First Look: Pride & Prejudice:

"On the last day of rehearsals, I took the whole of theBennet family to the house. They had to claim that house as their own.It was their space and the crew were guests. And we had a lovely timeas well." (Joe Wright)

"Joe brought us all down on a day when everything wasimmaculate. There was no equipment. Everything was dressed. It reallyis...It was enchanting. Really enchanting." (Rosamund Pike)
"We played sardines. We were there all day hiding and discovering the house." (Brenda Blethyn)

"We were allowed to do exactly what we wanted...and shout and screamand anything. It just worked. We just gelled completely in a way thatnone of us could have imagined." (Keira Knightley)

From Keira Knightley's P&P Promotional Video Interview...

Did you enjoy working on location in the British countryside?
"Yeah, definitely. I mean, I really enjoyed traveling. You have to, being in my profession, really. The opportunity of doing a film in Britain was definitely a huge bonus. And actually partly, because I really don't know the British countryside. It's weird, I'm born and bred Londoner. I know of Devon and Cornwall. But I don't know really, I didn't know Derbyshire. I've never been to Derbyshire before. I've never really been to Kent before. You know, and it's just really great opportunity to actually see my country for a change as opposed to seeing other people's, you know. So, it was a fantastic, It was a fantastic a summer. And I'm so glad to have seen all these really beautiful places." (Keira Knightley)

 [source: KelsiKnightley]

Did you bond with the other Bennet sisters?
"Oh, yeah. No, Totally. I mean, this is the first time for me that I've worked with girls with my own age. You know, there were three of us who were 19 (Keira, Carey, and Jena) when we did it, one was 18 (Talulah) and Ros (Rosamund), you know is a tiny bit older. But we're all pretty much the same age. And it was just lovely for me to to work with people of my own age who share the same interest 'cause I've never had that before. So, yeah, I'm still friendly with a lot of people who worked on Pride & Prejudice. I'd actually count a lot of them as among my closest friends and it was a really special, special experience. Definitely, 'cause that rarely happens on a film set where everybody just loved each other and you can really see that on the film as well." (Keira Knightley)

Behind The Scenes: Conversations with the Pride & Prejudice Cast
More Carey Mulligan Interviews
View More...
P&P '05 Diaries (Video Clips links)

Reposting this here...  Also, here's an interesting timeline (from KeiraWeb's P&P Promotional Page) to when it all started back in 2004...

Pride & Prejudice (2005) Timeline
  • 2004 - January. WorkingTitle announce plans for a big screen version of Pride and Prejudice,the first since 1940. Joe Wright is confirmed as director, with thescreenplay written by novelist Deborah Moggach.  
  • April 27th - ScreenInternational announce Keira Knightley is in advanced negotiations tostar as Elizabeth Bennet in the Working Title production.
  • June 8th - Keira is confirmed in the role of Elizabeth Bennet.
  • June 11th - Matthew MacFadyen is announced as Mr. Darcy.
  • July 14th. Dame JudiDench, Penelope Wilton, Donald Sutherland and Brenda Blethyn areconfirmed as co-stars in the movie. A budget of $28million is revealed.
  • July19th - Principal photography begins at Burghley House, near Stamford inLincolnshire. It will be seen as Rosings, the home of the De Bourghs.
  • August 15th - Filming movesto Groombridge Place near Tunbridge Wells in Kent, which will be seenas the Bennets' home, Longbourn.
  • August 23rd - Filming takesplace at Wilton House near Salisbury, to be seen as the interior ofPemberley - (This was the location for Colin Firth's famous wet shirtscene in the 1995 BBC production). Stourhead Gardens and Martin Downwere other places utilized while in Wiltshire.
  • August 31st - Filmingreturns to Burghley House, and its local town of Stamford, withhundreds of locals used as extras. This will be seen as the village ofMeryton in the movie.
  • September 8th. The cast andcrew film Netherfield scenes at Basildon Park in Berkshire. The WestFront, dining room and Octagon Drawing Room will be featured in themovie.
  • September 13th - Keira is confirmed to play Domino Harvey in Domino,which starts filming in early October. Her hair is cut short inpreparation for the role, and the remaining scenes as Lizzie see hersporting a wig.
  • September 27th - Filmingconcludes at Chatsworth House in Derbyshire. The exterior shots ofPemberley were filmed here, and the grand staircase and SculptureGallery will also be seen. While in Derbyshire, dramatic clifftopscenes were filmed with Keira in the Peak District National Park.
  • October 8th - Filming wraps on the movie, as early release date speculation suggest September 2005.
Read more at's Pride & Prejudice Promotional Page 

Check out and view the following...

P&P (locations and behind the scenes) Photo albums

P&P Locations
P&P Behind The Scenes
Pride & Prejudice Diaries

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