Thursday, September 1, 2011

Sharon Lathan's new novel 'Miss Darcy Falls In Love' coming in November!

Although is taking a lil' hiatus from The Darcy Saga series, worry not, she has a new novel coming soon that's still related and a companion to The Darcy Saga series. This time though, it's a standalone novel titled, Miss Darcy Falls In Love, a Georgiana Darcy (Mr. Darcy's younger sister) novel, which is scheduled for a November 1st release!  

Her previous released novel, The Trouble With Mr. Darcy (volume 5) from The Darcy Saga series is now available in bookstores and online retailers around the country.

Read more info about Miss Darcy Falls in Love including a synopsis below...

Miss Darcy Falls in Love synopsis
While touring Europe and post-Napoleonic France, Miss Georgiana Darcy discovers her deepest passion: composing and playing music. In Paris she meets two men who augment her passion in differing but profound ways. Mr. Sebastian Butler, the Viscount Nell and future Earl of Essenton, is a brilliant composer finishing his Grand Tour before studying at the prestigious Conservatoire of Music in Paris. Baron Caxton is an accomplished violinist teaching at the Conservatoire. Both men fire her soul, spark her sensuality, and fan the flames of her musical inspiration. Yet only one holds the key to her happiness and is her true soul mate. Amid the backdrop of Paris in this tumultuous time in history, Georgiana must learn to direct her destiny and fully understand her heart.
Read a Miss Darcy Falls in Love excerpt!

Sharon Lathan's Darcy Saga series (in order)

Also, from Sharon...
A Darcy Christmas (with Amanda Grange and Carolyn Eberhart)

For more news info and frequent updates on The Darcy Saga series, be sure to visit Sharon Lathan's website and Blog. You can follow her on twitter  too: SharonLathan. Plus, check out Sharon blogging over at Austen Authors with many of her fellow Austen inspired authors!

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