Sunday, January 31, 2010
Рисовала как-то давно такие иллюстрации к разным произведениям для себя.Правда,сфоткано плохо.Надо отсканировать.

Заяц,кажется получился.Хотя не уверенна.Непонятный полосатик.Придумала сама,без выкройки.Принцип по фоткам понятен,я думаю..

this week din go back to my hometown, ipoh ~
because my lovely sis is coming yesterday and today ~
nyappy nyappy ~~~~ ^^
oh ya !
last night i just help my bed dress up ~

how is it ????
it is similar with my blog skin ?
recently i'm in love with 'heart' shape ~
and pinky too ~ ^^
today we go to shopping again ~
actually today is not s huge shopping ~
because i just bought a bag only ~
we go the garden today ~
at first, we go to ITALIANNIES to take our breakfast & lunch ~

always like the style of ITALIANNIES ~
so class and nice environment ~ ^^
then we order our foods & drinks ~

actually still have foods....
but forgot to take pics ~ >.<

it's really tasty ~
cause it's different with outside grape juice ~
it's so fresh and not so sweet ~ XD

sis order hot choc ~
but forgot to take pic~ T.T
after we take our lunch ~
we go to COACH shop to bought my bag ~
they are many people there ~
i choose many bag....
but at last, i just choose one ~
LOL ~~~~
aiyo, i'm poor mah ~
no money, so just bought one only ~ XD
check it out ~~~~

love this bag damn much !
this bag cost me 1000++ bucks leh ~
sure love it lah ~ ^^
it have 3 style to carrying ~
the leather and the colour so unique ~
thanks to my lovely sis ~
cause this bag is she saw it 1st ~
but i bought it ~
LOL ~~~~
then, we go midvalley ~
accompany my lovely sis go POH KONG & MNG ~
they bought things, but i have none ~
cause last few weeks i already bought many many more ~
the shop din come out with new stock ~
so i bought nothing ~
by the way....
i love my ♥COACH♥ bag damn much ~~~~ ^^V
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Разрисовала стены и мебель.Поверхность не готовила,так как она не была покрыта лаком.Краска Тиккурила держится прекрасно!

Friday, January 29, 2010
'where you go, i miss you so....'
this song always sing by my lovely hubby ~
because everytime he miss me....
he will sing it to me ~
i miss him damn much !
miss his huggies....
miss his kisses....
miss his foods....
miss his caring.....
and many many more ~~~~
his body always warm warm ~
just like JACOB in TWLIGHT ~
always give me warm heart ~
when i'm hugging him ~
i feel comfortable and sleepy ~ ^^
i also miss his fried rice ~
usually when we are in high school life ~
he always cook something delicious for me ~
then he feed me at class ~
it's really yummy ~
many classmates or schoolmates always envy with us ~
LOL ~~~~
he's the one who know how to cook everything ~
i'm the one who know how to cook nothing ~
but he don't mind at all ~
although i also have made something for him ~
but i just made bread....
it's not special at all ~
i know my cooking skill is bad ~
so i done it with creativity ~
i made the bread become 'heart' shape ~
it's the 1st time i made food for my lover ~
when i bring it to my class ~
many classmates said the 'heart' shapes so nice ~
my cute cupid hubby thought it's easy to cut ~
so he also made one for me ~
but the shapes not nice and he said no easy to cut ~
for sure ~
LOL ~~~~
i miss our high school life so much ~
everyday come to school just for fun ~
playing, chit chating, dating....
i miss you so much hubby....

come back to malaysia asap....
sobz sobz.... T_________T
this song always sing by my lovely hubby ~
because everytime he miss me....
he will sing it to me ~
i miss him damn much !
miss his huggies....
miss his kisses....
miss his foods....
miss his caring.....
and many many more ~~~~
his body always warm warm ~
just like JACOB in TWLIGHT ~
always give me warm heart ~
when i'm hugging him ~
i feel comfortable and sleepy ~ ^^
i also miss his fried rice ~
usually when we are in high school life ~
he always cook something delicious for me ~
then he feed me at class ~
it's really yummy ~
many classmates or schoolmates always envy with us ~
LOL ~~~~
he's the one who know how to cook everything ~
i'm the one who know how to cook nothing ~
but he don't mind at all ~
although i also have made something for him ~
but i just made bread....
it's not special at all ~
i know my cooking skill is bad ~
so i done it with creativity ~
i made the bread become 'heart' shape ~
it's the 1st time i made food for my lover ~
when i bring it to my class ~
many classmates said the 'heart' shapes so nice ~
my cute cupid hubby thought it's easy to cut ~
so he also made one for me ~
but the shapes not nice and he said no easy to cut ~
for sure ~
LOL ~~~~
i miss our high school life so much ~
everyday come to school just for fun ~
playing, chit chating, dating....
i miss you so much hubby....

come back to malaysia asap....
sobz sobz.... T_________T
Thursday, January 28, 2010
yesterday, saw this video post by my friend on facebook ~
so i share it on my profile ~
if you guyz wanna check it out ~
you guyz can watch it through my profile's link ~
the video write as....
get slap and hit badly ~
got 4-5 china ladies keep slap and hit her ~
the reason they do that to her....
it because she's pretty ~
OMFG !!!!
is it pretty is a crime ??
she din do any wrong things....
but just because she is pretty....
those uneducated BITCH SLUT hit her ~
for those BITCHES in the video ~
if you really jealous on pretty and hit the innocent lady ~
then you guyz should go to plastic surgery ~
at the end you guyz will also become pretty ~
but why you guyz din go for that ?
no money or what ?
if you dun wanna do plastic surgery....
then keep your mouth shup !
careful with your BITCH acting and attitude !
and stop hitting the innocent lady !
some more, the innocent lady is a pregnant lady ~
she try to protect her baby !
but don't know at the end....
her baby still alive or not....
i'm really mad about this !
i'm sure everyone saw this also will be same as me ~
pretty have 2 kind ~
1 is on outside, another 1 is on inside ~
but for those BITCHES in the video ~
they both pretty side also lose badly !!!!
so i share it on my profile ~
if you guyz wanna check it out ~
you guyz can watch it through my profile's link ~
the video write as....
this video is about a pretty pregnant lady....get slap and hit badly ~
got 4-5 china ladies keep slap and hit her ~
the reason they do that to her....
it because she's pretty ~
OMFG !!!!
is it pretty is a crime ??
she din do any wrong things....
but just because she is pretty....
those uneducated BITCH SLUT hit her ~
for those BITCHES in the video ~
if you really jealous on pretty and hit the innocent lady ~
then you guyz should go to plastic surgery ~
at the end you guyz will also become pretty ~
but why you guyz din go for that ?
no money or what ?
if you dun wanna do plastic surgery....
then keep your mouth shup !
careful with your BITCH acting and attitude !
and stop hitting the innocent lady !
some more, the innocent lady is a pregnant lady ~
she try to protect her baby !
but don't know at the end....
her baby still alive or not....
i'm really mad about this !
i'm sure everyone saw this also will be same as me ~
pretty have 2 kind ~
1 is on outside, another 1 is on inside ~
but for those BITCHES in the video ~
they both pretty side also lose badly !!!!
recently watch a mtv ~
although it's a old video ~
but i'm still like it ~ ^^
although she's not a pretty much gal ~
but i likes her shoes, her hair, her clothes and many stuff ~
oh ya !
i also likes the guy's sun glasses ~
nice stuff they have ~
and also nice mtv ~ ^.^
although it's a old video ~
but i'm still like it ~ ^^
although she's not a pretty much gal ~
but i likes her shoes, her hair, her clothes and many stuff ~
oh ya !
i also likes the guy's sun glasses ~
nice stuff they have ~
and also nice mtv ~ ^.^
Подушка шьется из квадратиков.Каждый квадрат складывается два раза и выкладывается по кругу на ткань.Лучше прикалывать иголками каждый квадрат.Есть два варианта пришивания квадратиков:лучами от центра или по спирали,но тогда уголки будут оттопырены.Это уже кому как больше нравится.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010
nia ~~~~
there a lot of FAKER on the internet ~
especially socially website ~
sure got a lot ~
FAKER always like to copy other person's pic....
or even copy their information and being them ~
that's why i hate FAKER damn much !
last week, i found a FAKER copy my pic again ~
it's on friendster ~
this FAKER already copy my pic about more than 1 year ~
many of my net friends and me already scold the FAKER badly ~
and many time....
but the FAKER still using my pic ~ =.='''
here is it ~~~~

sorry about the unclear image ~
my phone's camera is suck !
the FAKER even copy my nickname !
-ShiNi hARuMi-
i'm still remember when my net friends and i ask the FAKER....
why he copy my pic....
the FAKER said he's my huge fan !
he wanna copy al of my pic !
=.=''' sweat at all ~
actually i found out a lot of FAKER on friendster ~
but i din capture it and post at here ~
for those FAKER, i would like to thanks to you for supporting me ~
but please please please don't copy my pic, ok?
it's really unhappy for me ~
just being yourself ok?
i'm sure everyone got their own personality ~
by the way. before i hate my hair damn much !
i means after i cut it short a bit ~
cause short hair is not suitable for me at all ~
but now i love my hair damn much !

LOL ~~~~
silly me ~~ ^^
anyway, mask is what i need for now ~

i do mask every week ~
cause i'm not younger anymore ~
19 this year & next year will turn to 20 !!
arghhhh.....i don't wanna start my age by 2.....
sobz sobz ~~ T_____T
i need to take care my skin well ~
as a conclusion....

there a lot of FAKER on the internet ~
especially socially website ~
sure got a lot ~
FAKER always like to copy other person's pic....
or even copy their information and being them ~
that's why i hate FAKER damn much !
last week, i found a FAKER copy my pic again ~
it's on friendster ~
this FAKER already copy my pic about more than 1 year ~
many of my net friends and me already scold the FAKER badly ~
and many time....
but the FAKER still using my pic ~ =.='''
here is it ~~~~

sorry about the unclear image ~
my phone's camera is suck !
the FAKER even copy my nickname !
-ShiNi hARuMi-
i'm still remember when my net friends and i ask the FAKER....
why he copy my pic....
the FAKER said he's my huge fan !
he wanna copy al of my pic !
=.=''' sweat at all ~
actually i found out a lot of FAKER on friendster ~
but i din capture it and post at here ~
for those FAKER, i would like to thanks to you for supporting me ~
but please please please don't copy my pic, ok?
it's really unhappy for me ~
just being yourself ok?
i'm sure everyone got their own personality ~
by the way. before i hate my hair damn much !
i means after i cut it short a bit ~
cause short hair is not suitable for me at all ~
but now i love my hair damn much !

LOL ~~~~
silly me ~~ ^^
anyway, mask is what i need for now ~

i do mask every week ~
cause i'm not younger anymore ~
19 this year & next year will turn to 20 !!
arghhhh.....i don't wanna start my age by 2.....
sobz sobz ~~ T_____T
i need to take care my skin well ~
as a conclusion....

Tuesday, January 26, 2010
После длительных поисков сумки для сменки своему первокласснику,поняла,что придется шить самой.Акриловыми красками для ткани нарисовала кед.Краска выдерживает морозы -35!Проверено!

happy 1 year and the half anniversary my dear ~
we have been together about such period ~
although it's not a long period for couple ~
but we feel satisfied of it ~ ^^
it's not easy to keep such relationship with a condition....
you're stay at Singapore and i stay at Malaysia ~
thus, it's really hard for us to keep this relationship well ~
but so far, we done it so well ~
LOL ~~~~
arigato for caring me much ♥
arigato for loving me much ♥
arigto for protecting me much ♥
still got a lot of thing....
i can't mention it all on here ~ ^_^'''
i know you sure got a lot of patience on me ~
i knew my weakness ~
easily to get angry and mad on you ~
just a small particular topic but i can argue with you badly ~
but you always make me happy and apologize to me ~
even though the person who do wrong is me and not you ~
thanks ya so much ~
it's lucky to have you being my lovely hubby ~ ^^
we have been together about such period ~
although it's not a long period for couple ~
but we feel satisfied of it ~ ^^
it's not easy to keep such relationship with a condition....
you're stay at Singapore and i stay at Malaysia ~
thus, it's really hard for us to keep this relationship well ~
but so far, we done it so well ~
LOL ~~~~
arigato for caring me much ♥
arigato for loving me much ♥
arigto for protecting me much ♥
still got a lot of thing....
i can't mention it all on here ~ ^_^'''
i know you sure got a lot of patience on me ~
i knew my weakness ~
easily to get angry and mad on you ~
just a small particular topic but i can argue with you badly ~
but you always make me happy and apologize to me ~
even though the person who do wrong is me and not you ~
thanks ya so much ~
it's lucky to have you being my lovely hubby ~ ^^
Sunday, January 24, 2010
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