as a friends of ALICE....
all also knew she will fly to US on next tuesday ~
i'm already started to miss her.... T____T
i know her more than 3 years already ~
i'm still remember we knew at tuition center ~
the first day i reach there....
i seat with jasmine & hazel....
then, she appear....
hazel introduce her to me....
then, our friendship is began....
we both also in love with chocolate ~
not just this....
we both also like to watch japanese fashion magazine....
dislike to eat spicy foods....
and many many similar stuff....
at first we knew each other....
i'm with my short hair ~
so she called me as LOU GONG=LG ~
and i called her as LOU PO=LP ~
but after that, she cut her hair short ~
so we called each other conversely ~
because of her, i knew SYLVIA too ~
another best friends of mine ~
they both are my best friends at other school ~
cause normally our best friends is same school ~
my LG is a tough, clever, fun girl ~
always have many guyz around her ~
LOL ~~~~ XD
anyway, i'm started to worry about her lifestyle at US ~
worry about bullies....
worry about her health....
worry about her safety....
and many many things....
just remember, take good care yourself ya ~
and don't forget about me ~
i will remember & miss ya always ~

as a friends of ALICE....
all also knew she will fly to US on next tuesday ~
i'm already started to miss her.... T____T
i know her more than 3 years already ~
i'm still remember we knew at tuition center ~
the first day i reach there....
i seat with jasmine & hazel....
then, she appear....
hazel introduce her to me....
then, our friendship is began....
we both also in love with chocolate ~
not just this....
we both also like to watch japanese fashion magazine....
dislike to eat spicy foods....
and many many similar stuff....
at first we knew each other....
i'm with my short hair ~
so she called me as LOU GONG=LG ~
and i called her as LOU PO=LP ~
but after that, she cut her hair short ~
so we called each other conversely ~
because of her, i knew SYLVIA too ~
another best friends of mine ~
they both are my best friends at other school ~
cause normally our best friends is same school ~
my LG is a tough, clever, fun girl ~
always have many guyz around her ~
LOL ~~~~ XD
anyway, i'm started to worry about her lifestyle at US ~
worry about bullies....
worry about her health....
worry about her safety....
and many many things....
just remember, take good care yourself ya ~
and don't forget about me ~
i will remember & miss ya always ~