3rd day in KL ~
today v hvnt get our timetable or student ID ~
wel, mayb 2mrw ~
today v hv been ply ice breaker ~
there's many group ~
n my group is AI SIG ~
our title is wanna promoe bout robotic ~
sm kind like movie 'i-robot, starwars, AI' like tat ~
wel, our leader is a niggro ~
v create a drama ~
nid to b action ~
although v cnt get the top 3 group ~
bt stil, tats fun ! ^.^V
btw, i hvnt take bus before ~
even in my hometown ~
im sure al my frenz wil know tis ~
they wil aso always laughing at me ~ T____T
bt here, i nid to take bus always ~
cz without bus, i cnt go to skol ~
i din hv any transport at al ~
although my dad said wanna bring me a car ~
to solve the problem bout din hv transport ~
bt i dun wan ~
cz i dun recognize those road in KL ~[there's many of them]
so mayb after half year i wil take the car ~
2mrw stil nid to listen til 6pm ~
arghhhhh !!!!
tired !!!!
bt tats ok !
cz tis fri v din hv class ~
so mayb wil go wtch movie wf frenz ~
jz say....mayb.... ^_^'''