I still remember, in 5th grade my mom bought me my first pair of wide leg leather pants. Being the inpatient child i was, i wore them to school and remember tripping and falling during recess, while playing basketball, and ripping my brand new pair of leather pants. I was so devastated..Seeing how i was never able to keep up with the trend in 5th grade you can only imagine how excited i am that they are back, once again, with an even better style and edge!
People may say that leather pants are hard to pull off, well...their right.
It's a little tricky trying to balance the masculinity and femininity of the entire outfit. Givenchy model wore a pair of skinny leg leather pants with a mid-length coat....without those accessories, the outfit would not be as striking. You can pair these pants with heels or booties to make the outfit look more "girly." You don't necessarily have to wear all black, although all black looks more chic, its always fun to throw in some colors. Try a beige top and pair it with a pair of red booties. The colors will add more to your outfit, and will definitely draw more attention.
Speaking of RED ....I know these pants scream 'look at me' but definitely in a good way. They are so bold, that many accessories are not needed. Balmain's collection for winter was Brilliant. The army inspired blazer meshed so well with the red pants, that you cant help but keep staring.
Leather leggings are also another option for this Fall.When wearing these always try to wear a longer top that does cover up your assets. Since the leggings are so tight, the top must flow for the outfit to flow. if not, your outfit could be a complete train wreck.

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