Monday, February 20, 2012

Just A Note On Where I Am...


... I know things have been uncharacteristically quiet today so I figured I'd let you know - I'm finally getting to work on MNPP's 2011 Golden Trousers, aka The Pantys. Finally being the operative.

For those of you who are all, "The what in the where now?" those be our Best Of The Last Year awards. Take a look at last year's. And yes it is practically March, I know. They seem to get later and later every year, but if you ask me they also get awesomer and awesomer every year and that takes time.  (Okay, I also procrastinate a lot.)

Anyway as long as everything goes well we'll start showing off our Pantys proper-like next week, and things might be a little on the quiet side here while I get them in order. So that's that. Or that will eventually be that. Now you know. And the more you know, blah.

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