--- RoboSwede - We've been threatening to do a proper gratuitous post for the Swedish actor Joel Kinnaman for nearly a year,
since last April when he was cast in the Ryan Reynolds movie Safe House which just came out a couple of weeks ago. (Did it flop? I don't think I know anyone who saw it, but then, I wouldn't.) Then he was going to star opposite A Game of Thrones' Kit Harington in a movie about King Arthur and Sir Lancelot, and he drove me to one of the worst puns I've ever made. (At least I knew it was bad at the time, right? Right?) Well now Kinnaman's been offered the lead in the Robocop remake and my prescience about him no longer seems so precious. He is the world's now.
--- Space Jockies - I guess JJ Abrams is shooting
Star Trek 2 right now and
Slash rounded up some pictures and what-nots from the set including a hysterical in-action shot of Zachary Quinto and Benedict Cumberbatch fighting. I guess Benedict must have been cast in this before I'd watched
Sherlock because if I'd have watched
Sherlock at that time I would surely have taken note of his casting. Well at least now that I have seen
Sherlock I am very enthusastic about this. Which reminds me, I know I tweeted this same sentiment before, but let me just say here that all of you people who encouraged me to watch
Sherlock are total jerks, because now I am dying for more, and there is no more yet, so I am just dying. Thanks, jerks! (Seriously though, thanks.)
--- All The Best - Joe Reid's been plugging along with
his Low Res Movie Awards all week and it's so stuffed to the gills with epic goodness I can hardly stand it. I can't stand it! That is, in a good way, obviously. Seriously, though. Seriously.
--- Toga Toga - In obvious casting news, Dwayne Johnson
is set to play Hercules in a new movie. Let's hope they just go dig up all of Steve Reeves old costumes for him, because otherwise what the hell would be the point?
--- Damned If You Don't - Back when Stacie announced this month's Final Girl Film Club pick I wondered if I'd ever seen
Hell Night - well after reading a couple of the posts that
popped up yesterday I can safely say nope I have never seen
Hell Night. I should have found this out before FGFC actually happened so I could have written something up, but I'm always too dumb to keep up. Always. It's a rule, and stuff!
--- And speaking of Miss Ponder, there's a hefty interview with her to read! She talks good!
Here is part one and
here is part two.
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