Here are a few TV and Film casting news updates...

Kelly Reilly was in negotiations for the lead female role in Robert Zemeckis’ Flight opposite Denzel Washington.
First, let's get to Rosamund Pike's One Shot...
Richard Jenkins Will Take 'One Shot' With Tom Cruise (via The Playlist)
Variety reports that Jenkins has joined the upcoming “One Shot.” Based on the best-selling book by Lee Child (one of many in the series), and set to be directed and written by Christopher McQuarrie,the story finds ex-military man and drifter Jack Reacher (Cruise) drawninto the case of a military sniper accused of five murders anddiscovers a twisty cover-up along the way. Rosamund Pike is onboard as Helen Rodin, the attorney who defends the accused man andJenkins will play her father Alex Rodin, the District Attorney in townwho is prosecuting the case. David Oyelowo rounds out the current cast, playing a homicide detective in charge of investigating the killings.UPDATE: Alexia Fast Joins Tom Cruise's 'One Shot' (Exclusive) (via Hollywood Reporter)
Don Cheadle and Bruce Greenwood Join Robert Zemeckis’ FLIGHT; Kelly Reilly Confirmed as Female Lead (via Collider)
Director Robert Zemeckis is filling out the cast for his return to live-action. Denzel Washington is set as the lead in Flight,where he will play an a pilot who is heralded as a hero after safelylanding a damaged plane. His newfound hero status comes under scrutinyas an investigation is launched to determine whether or not he wasdrunk while flying. Now Movieholereports that Don Cheadle and Bruce Greenwood have joined the cast. Noword on what their roles entail. The report also confirms that KellyReilly (Sherlock Holmes), who was in negotiations to take on the female lead, is officially onboard as a drug addict who befriends Washington’s character. Filming on the project is set to get underway next month in Atlanta.

The History Channel’s upcoming project “TheHatfields and McCoys” is sounding better all the time. Jena Malone hassigned on to the star-studded miniseries about America’s biggest familyfeud, according to the Hollywood Reporter.
Malone (“Bastard Out of Carolina,” “Stepmom,” “Into the Wild”) willplay Nancy McCoy, a conniving cousin who exacts revenge on theHatfields for murdering her father.Kevin Costner (Anse Hatfield) and Bill Paxton (Randall McCoy) lead the cast as the heads of the clashing clans. Tom Berenger, Powers Boothe and Lindsay Pulsipher have also joined the cast.
Kevin Reynolds (“Red Dawn,” “The Count of Monte Cristo,” “RobinHood: Prince of Thieves”) is on board to direct the dramaticminiseries, which will shoot in Romania.
The project will air next year to coincide with the 150thanniversary of the bloody Hatfield and McCoy battle, which attractedinternational headlines.
Carey Mulligan changes gear in Drive (via BBC)
Nicolas Winding Refn'snew film Drive has brutal killings, nerve-jangling car chases andbone-breaking violence. So why did fresh-faced Carey Mulligan beg forpart in it?
"I'm in a film with guns - which is rare!" says Carey Mulligan of her role in the Danish director's crime thriller. "Iwanted to do something that would be a bit of a stretch," adds the starof An Education and Never Let Me Go, "like playing a mother, andexploring a different genre."
Drive is now showing in theaters near you and at #3 (with $11M+) in its first weekend of release.
In other P&P/Austen Actors' related news...
Blake Lively Offered Lead Role in PRIDE AND PREJUDICE AND ZOMBIES?
Oscar Hopeful Shorts Screening in LA - Colin Firth, Keira Knightly, Julia Stiles
(via the
Out of the 12 shorts shown, Steve with Colin Firth (The King’s Speech) and Keira Knightly (Pride and Prejudice)was one of the highlights. The story follows a middle-age man, whoregularly visits his neighbors for very odd reasons with surprisingtwists. This event was held as part of the Oscar qualifying process,which requires three consecutive days (Tuesday-Thursday) of paidscreenings at least twice a day in a Los Angeles County theater. (via the
Jennifer Ehle: A Gifted Man's Leading Lady (via The Daily Beast)
Many viewers will forever associate Jennifer Ehle with her career-making role as Elizabeth Bennet in the BBC’s Pride & Prejudice, the sumptuous adaptation of Jane Austen’s classic novel. But the 41-year old actress, the daughter of the actress Rosemary Harris and the writer John Ehleand now a mother of two, has been producing a steady body of work forboth the stage and film, since she first donned a curly black wig toplay Austen’s outspoken romantic heroine back in 1995. On Broadway, shewon a Tony award in 2000 for The Real Thing and another in 2007 for The Coast of Utopia.
The Daily Beast sat down with Ehle, and in these excerpts we discussed A Gifted Man, why she left Game of Thrones, attachment parenting, why she’s never recognized on the street, and ghost sex. Read her full interview here!
Speaking of JE, Tonight (and every Friday nights at 8/7C) watch Jennifer Ehle (Pride and Prejudice 1995's Elizabeth Bennet) on the series premiere of A Gifted Man on CBS!
Colin Firth claims to have 'no memory' of winning best actor Oscar
(via Metro)
Firth said it was 'completely extraordinary' that he could notremember receiving the statuette, but added: 'I think when major thingshappen to us, whether good or bad, there's a slight shock.
'It has a slightly numbing effect.'
Colin Firth, Helen Fielding Confirm Bridget Jones 3 (via Lez Get Real)
Can lightning strike a third time? Colin Firth has let it slip thatthere will be a Bridget Jones 3. So far, there has been no confirmationas to whether or not Hugh Grant, who was in the first and secondmovies, will be back for the third, but Firth has had something of aninsider’s knowledge about the direction of the script.
Talking to Marie Claire, the Oscar winner did indicate that theentire cast will be returning saying that “It does become a bit of afamily at the time, it’ll be like one of those rather fraught familyreunions at Christmas.”
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