Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Девчинупытает казак у плетня: "Когда ж ты, Оксана, полюбишь меня? Я саблей добуду для крали своей И светлых цехинов, и звонких рублей!" Девчина в ответ, заплетая косу: "Про то мне ворожка гадала в лесу। Пророчит она: мне полюбится тот, Кто матери сердце мне в дар принесет। Не надо цехинов, не надо рублей, Дай сердце мне матери старой твоей। Я пепел его настою на хмелю, Настоя напьюсь - и тебя полюблю!" Казак с того дня замолчал, захмурел, Борща не хлебал, саламаты не ел। Клинком разрубил он у матери грудь И с ношей заветной отправился в путь: Он сердце ее на цветном рушнике Коханой приносит в косматой руке। В пути у него помутилось в глазах, Всходя на крылечко, споткнулся казак। И матери сердце, упав на порог, Спросило его: "Не ушибся, сынок?"
Я...свяжу тебе жизнь...
Из пушистых мохеровых ниток...
Я...свяжу тебе жизнь...
Не солгу ни единой петли...
Где...узором по полю молитвы...
Пожелания счастья...
В лучах...настоящей любви...
Я...свяжу тебе жизнь...
Из веселой меланжевой пряжи...
Я...свяжу тебе жизнь...
И потом...от души подарю...
Где...я нитки беру?
Никому...никогда...не признаюсь..
।Чтоб...связать...тебе жизнь...
Я...тайком распускаю...свою...
Я- мама! Это много или мало?
Я- мама! Это счастье или крест?
И невозможно всё начать сначала,
И я молюсь теперь за то, что есть:
За плач ночной, за молоко, пеленки,
За первый шаг, за первые слова,
За всех детей, за каждого ребёнка,
Я- мама, и поэтому права!
Я –целый мир। Я- жизни возрожденье।
И я весь свет хотела бы обнять।
Я – мама! Мама!
Это наслажденье
Никто не в силах у меня отнять!
Что – самая сладкая сладость на свете?Сахар – могла я когда-то ответить।Мед, мармелад, пастила॥ и шербет॥Только теперь поняла я ответ -Родного ребеночка – запах макушки,Что остается на нашей подушке,Пальчики нежные.. и ноготки–Попка, коленочки…и локотки…Что – самая горькая горечь на свете?Горчица – могла я когда-то ответить…Редька и уксус… полынь и хинин..Ну а теперь – мой ответ – лишь один:Губки дрожащие - плач на подходеВот от чего мое сердце заходит ..Самая горечь – родного ребенка –Полные слез и обиды глазенки…
Last wednesday, me & some friends went to FAHRENHEIT 88 ~
this is the 1st time i went there ~
quite okay for me, but nothing much to buy ~
outfits for that day ->
just casual wear for that day ~
cause feel don't wanna dolled up myself ~ XP
when we talk about fahrenheir 88....
the 1st thing come to our mind is UNIQLO ->
YES! the Japanese brand!
fahrenheit become famous is because of UNIQLO ~
i still remember when uniqlo opened at fahrenheit 88 ~
many people dicuss on facebook & twitter ~
and many people blog about it ~
many friends of mine even lining up for 3 hours !!!!
in order to getting a legging or something ~ =.='''
for me, for sure i won't lining up for those clothes ~
i rather buy them afterward ~
many people lining up is because of discount ~
okay, back to the topic ~
at first, we went to SUSHI ZANMAI for dining ->
i just having high tea ~
cause i already take my lunch at school ~
me & my friend were trying clothes at UNIQLO's fitting room ->
but we ended up withing nothing !
cause those clothes are not suit us ~
even those legging make me DAMN DISSAPOINTED !
IDK why~ maybe my legs are too short or fatty ~ >.<
then we start walk around ~
i ended up with 2 bags of clothes->
those things cost me 130++ bucks !
that day i already mentioned don't wanna waste money ~ =.='''
i even became MEMBER in one of the shop ~ XD
x'mas is coming soon !
therefore, fahrenheit 88 have some x'mas decoration ->
before i end the post....
imma share UNIQLO'S COMMERCIAL with you guyz ~ =]
Monday, November 29, 2010
Немного гламура.))))
А эта сумка для девочки Антонины (3,5 г.).Она начала ходить в студию,где занимается прикладным искусством(аппликация,лепка,рисование...).В сумку должны вмещаться все канцелярские принадлежности,а так же сменка.
Плащевка,синтепон,х/б-шка для подклада,пуговки,пайетки,бусины,корсажная лента для лямки,репсовая лента,метал.фурнитура для лямки.
Внутри сумки два отдела,чтобы сменка лежала отдельно.
Еще я для себя придумала быстрый способ делать лямку нужного цвета.Так как точно подобрать ременную тесьму к ткани сложно,а просто тканевая лямка получается не такая жесткая,я делаю так:
Покупаю жесткую белую корсажную ленту,оборачиваю ее тканью немного внахлест,накладываю сверху репсовую ленту так,чтобы она все закрывала и пришиваю ее.Получается очень быстро.
Вообще я не собиралась пришивать все эти бирюльки гламурные.Но меня подвела строчка зиг-заг.Она столько стежков напропускала! Оставлять так было нельзя. И я решила замаскировать эти места всеми этими штучками.А потом еще добавила немного для симметрии.))
Плащевка,синтепон,х/б-шка для подклада,пуговки,пайетки,бусины,корсажная лента для лямки,репсовая лента,метал.фурнитура для лямки.
Внутри сумки два отдела,чтобы сменка лежала отдельно.
Еще я для себя придумала быстрый способ делать лямку нужного цвета.Так как точно подобрать ременную тесьму к ткани сложно,а просто тканевая лямка получается не такая жесткая,я делаю так:
Покупаю жесткую белую корсажную ленту,оборачиваю ее тканью немного внахлест,накладываю сверху репсовую ленту так,чтобы она все закрывала и пришиваю ее.Получается очень быстро.
Вообще я не собиралась пришивать все эти бирюльки гламурные.Но меня подвела строчка зиг-заг.Она столько стежков напропускала! Оставлять так было нельзя. И я решила замаскировать эти места всеми этими штучками.А потом еще добавила немного для симметрии.))
winter wonderland ♥

oooh hello! now i know this is very naughty but i had to get something to treat myself after all it is nearly Christmas! so with my fairy lights up i indulged in some light reading and not so light drinking- to keep me warm of course because the streets were glistening with snow ♥
P.S. while we're on the subject of super cute books if you're thinking of something LOVELY to give away this Christmas there's Amelia's Compendium of Fashion Illustration- it features some of the best illustrators, awesome ethical fashion designers & my illustrations too! available for pre order now ♥
winter wonderland ♥

oooh hello! now i know this is very naughty but i had to get something to treat myself after all it is nearly Christmas! so with my fairy lights up i indulged in some light reading and not so light drinking- to keep me warm of course because the streets were glistening with snow ♥
P.S. while we're on the subject of super cute books if you're thinking of something LOVELY to give away this Christmas there's Amelia's Compendium of Fashion Illustration- it features some of the best illustrators, awesome ethical fashion designers & my illustrations too! available for pre order now ♥
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Снега много не бывает !
Еще одна зимняя сумочка.Заказали синюю и со снегирем.Но синий с красным смотрелись очень напряженно.И я решила смягчить впечатление обилием белого.И посыпались хлопья снега!Так как я не люблю повторяться,немного изменила сюжет.Конечно ,пропорции утрированны и гипертрофированны,но от этого все становится сказочным.
Плащевка,синтепон,внутрь проложила плотный хлопок,так как плащевка сильно тонкая,подклад х/б-шный,фетр,шерсть для валяния,пряжа для окантовки деревьев,мулине,молния,ременная тесьма.Внутри два больших кармана.
Сумка для девушки,которая снимала про меня сюжет .)))
Плащевка,синтепон,внутрь проложила плотный хлопок,так как плащевка сильно тонкая,подклад х/б-шный,фетр,шерсть для валяния,пряжа для окантовки деревьев,мулине,молния,ременная тесьма.Внутри два больших кармана.
Сумка для девушки,которая снимала про меня сюжет .)))
Saturday, November 27, 2010
"Any Human Heart" starring Matthew Macfadyen to premiere on PBS' Masterpiece Classic February 2011

Congrats to PBS Masterpiece on their 40th season! I love watching their period dramas especially when P&P 05 actors and their period films are featured and showing on PBS as well as any Jane Austen movies/miniseries, Elizabeth Gaskill, and Dickens related.
One of those dramas I highly anticipate and can't wait to see in the 2011 season schedule will be Any Human Heart, which stars our very own Matthew Macfadyen (Mr. Darcy) and Tom Hollander (Mr. Collins), former P&P co-stars in their 4th TV and film projects (Any Human Heart, Pride & Prejudice, Enigma, Maybe Baby) they appeared and co-starred together.
Here's the schedule for Any Human Heart on Masterpiece Classic...

Any Human Heart
William Boyd adapts his acclaimed 2002 novel about a man — at various times a writer, lover, prisoner of war, and spy — making his often precarious way through the 20th century. Matthew MacFadyen, Gillian Anderson, Hayley Atwell, Kim Cattrall, Tom Hollander, and Jim Broadbent star.
Check out a few more promotional stills featuring Matthew Macfadyen and Tom Hollander...
In other AHH news, it recently just aired in the UK's Channel 4 and now Amazon.co.uk has posted a portion of the making of 'Any Human Heart' video on their site, which includes interviews and behind-the-scenes shots with Matthew Macfadyen, Jim Broadbent, Hayley Atwell as well as other cast members (perhaps including Tom Hollander too!)
The DVD (Region 2 UK/Europe only) will be released December 27 and pre-orders are being taken now for guaranteed arrival. The behind the scenes portion is only available on the DVD, so, order yours today!
Here's the UK DVD features:
Special Features:
- In Oxford with Sam Caflin
- Matthew MacFayden on location in Spain
- Interview with Jim Broadbent
- Kim Cattrall on 'Gloria'
- Gillian Anderson and Tom Hollander on playing the Duke and Duchess of Windsor
- Hayley Atwell on 'Freya'
- On the set of Any Human Heart
- From paper to screen - William Boyd discusses Any Human Heart

My Boy Jack
(encore presentation)
In 1914 England, patriotism is high in the early days of WWI, and writer Rudyard Kipling (David Haigh) is one of its most eloquent and passionate voices. John "Jack," (Daniel Radcliffe), Kipling's only son, is underage, hopelessly myopic, and eager to join the war effort. Kipling's outspoken American wife Carrie (Kim Cattrall) remains more sanguine on the course of the war, and the fate of her family. Also features Carey Mulligan as Jack's sister Elsie. My Boy Jack, based on a true story, tells of a nation at war, and offers an intimate portrait of one family's complex and divided experience in it.
Plus two more interesting BBC period dramas, Downton Abbey featuring Penelope Wilton (aka P&P 05's Mrs. Gardiner) starting January 9th and Downstairs Upstairs featuring Keeley Hawes (aka Mrs. Matthew Macfadyen) plus actors that previously co-starred with P&P actors such as Matthew Macfadyen (his wife Keeley Hawes in Ashes to Ashes and Spooks/MI-5 and Claire Foy in Little Dorrit), Judi Dench (Eileen Atkins in Cranford along with script writer Heide Thomas), and Rosamund Pike, Tom Hollander and Penelope Wilton (Keeley Hawes also co-starred with them on Wives and Daughters)...
January 9, 16, 23 & 30, 2011 at 9pm
Downton Abbey
Set in an Edwardian country house in 1912, Downton Abbey portrays the lives of the Crawley family and the servants who work for them. Written and created by Oscar-winning writer Julian Fellowes, and starring Maggie Smith, Hugh Bonneville, Elizabeth McGovern, Penelope Wilton (as Isobel Crawley), Dan Stevens, Michelle Dockery, Jim Carter, and many others.
Watch Video: including Maggie Smith & Penelope Wilton

Upstairs Downstairs
Upstairs Downstairs is an updated version of one of the most-loved and most-honored series in television history. The series has a new cast of characters and Jean Marsh reprising her Emmy-winning role as Rose. The cast also includes the original series co-creator Eileen Atkins (Cranford), Keeley Hawes (Wives and Daughters, Spooks/MI-5), Ed Stoppard, Claire Foy (Little Dorrit) and Art Malik (The Jewel in the Crown) with a script by Emmy-nominee Heidi Thomas (Cranford).
DVD News: Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps on DVD and Blu-ray December 21st

Title: Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps (IMDb)
Starring: Michael Douglas
Released: 21st December 2010
SRP: $29.98 (DVD)
Further Details:
Fox Home Entertainment has announced DVD ($29.98) and Blu-ray ($39.99) releases of Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps for December 21st. Extras on the DVD will include a commentary by director Oliver Stone, and A Conversation with Oliver Stone and the Cast of Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps. The Blu-ray release will include all of that plus a 5-part look at the real Wall Street ("Unfinished Business: Oliver Stone & Cast Revisit Wall Street", "Gordon Gekko is Back: Character Study", "Lifestyles of the Wall Street Rich and Infamous", "A Tour of the streets of Wall Street", "Trends, Schemes, and Economic Collapse - How did it Happen?"), deleted and extended scenes, an In Character With feature, and a digital copy of the film. Also available from the 21st will be a 2-pack DVD ($34.98) with the first film.
See the attached the official package artwork for each release below:
(source: DVD Active)
Synopsis: Following a lengthy prison term, Gordon Gekko (Michael Douglas) finds himself on the outside looking in at a world he once commanded. Hoping to repair his relationship with his daughter, Winnie (Carey Mulligan), Gekko forges an alliance with her fiance, Jake (Shia LaBeouf). But Winnie and Jake learn the hard way that Gekko is still a master manipulator who will stop at nothing to reclaim his rightful place at the top of Wall Street.
On Stage News: Rosamund Pike to return to West End next year

Here's a very recent article from the UK Theatre Tickets:
Rosamund Pike to return to West End next year
Fans of Rosamund Pike may be pleased to know that the actress is to make a return to the West End next year.
According to the Daily Mail's Baz Bamigboye, she will take the lead role in Henrik Ibsen's Hedda Gabler, which will open in Bath in February 2011 before transferring to an as-yet unknown London venue soon afterwards.
The columnist praised Pike for her skill in a variety of roles, pointing out that she has been particularly successful as comedic characters of late.
Hedda Gabler was first published by Norwegian Ibsen in 1890. Although it premiered the following year with a host of negative reviews, it has since grown to become recognised as a classic piece of theatre.
The most recent Ibsen play to be seen in the West End was Ghosts, which opened at the Duchess Theatre in February 2010.
It was praised by critics including Anthony Sher from the Guardian.
Friday, November 26, 2010
In Theaters Today: The King's Speech

Not too mention, "The King's Speech" also reunites Firth with Jennifer Ehle (P&P '95's Elizabeth Bennet), his co-star in the much-loved 1995 miniseries "Pride and Prejudice," plays Geoffrey Rush's character's Lionel Logue's wife. Helena Bonham Carter, Guy Pierce, and Michael Gambon also co-star.
Here's a synopsis of...

director: Tom Hooper
The King’s Speech tells the story of the man who would become King George VI, the father of the current Queen, Elizabeth II. After his brother abdicates, George “Bertie” VI (Colin Firth) reluctantly assumes the throne. Plagued by a dreaded nervous stammer and considered unfit to be King, Bertie engages the help of an unorthodox speech therapist named Lionel Logue (Geoffrey Rush). Through a set of unexpected techniques, and as a result of an unlikely friendship, Bertie is able to find his voice and boldly lead the country into war. Jennifer Ehle co-stars. (via IndieWire)
Watch the trailer for The King's Speech below...
(source: GeckoMoviesCom)
The King's Speech still featuring
Colin Firth and Helena Bonham Carter

(source: The King's Speech Official Website)
Also, two more stills with the older 1995's
Mr. & Mrs. Darcy...
err...Colin Firth and Jennifer Ehle
(source: The King's Speech Official Website)
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