Monday, March 19, 2012

Bruce Loops

Rian Johnson's Looper is out later this year - it reunites him with his Brick star Joe Gordon-Levitt, and is a sci-fi action flick about time travel. Basically the story is (and skip this if you don't want to know anything) it's the future and time travel is illegal, so mobsters who want to kill somebody will send that person back in time, where assassins (called "loopers") will assassinate these time-travelled individuals for breaking the anti time travel law. I don't know how much of that plot should remain mysterious beforehand or if we learn all that quickly and move on or what, but I've known that much for awhile. Joe is a looper and things become confusing when his own self, thirty years older, shows up from the future. He can't kill himself, right? Paradox!

Anyway his thirty year older self is played by Bruce Willis (sidenote: happy birthday today, Bruce!), and apparently they decided on using make-up to make Joe look like he could age into Bruce Willis was the way to go instead of the opposite - making Bruce Willis resemble Joe, that is - so, this happened...

(via, click to embiggen) Those are the first two shots of Joe in the movie with his "I'll be Bruce Willis one day!" make-up on, and it's creeping me the eff out. I mean I'm still excited for the movie, Rian Johnson's a terrific director (The Brothers Bloom, y'all) and I'm sure it'll be fun to have Joe riffing on Bruce and all that, but man I wish they'd gone the other way. I want to look at Joe and his proper Joe-based adorable face, for god's sake!

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