Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The Moment I Fell For... Holly Hunter


Paul: It must be nice to always believe you know better,
to always think you're the smartest person in the room.

Jane: No. It's awful.

A happy 54th birthday to Holly Hunter (We just wished her Broadcast co-star William Hurt happy birthday earlier.) Is it strange that I was a huge fan of Broadcast News when I was a little kid? I have vivid memories of watching this movie many many times. I don't know how that happened - I can't imagine my parents liked it, it's not their type of movie. But it was totally these neurotic Jane type characters that appealed to me as a little one - I foresaw my spazztastic future, I guess. Anyway I'm super excited that Holly's returning to movie screens this year, and with Diablo Cody no less! I have missed her horribly. I just can't do that show she's on. 

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